
Making Chassis Welding Automation

There are hydraulic pressing clamps in the fixture equipment of system. The workpiece is both made spot welding by means of clamps and prevented distortion due to heat during welding.

Separate control lever is used as to be put to rear of piston for each piston. Also there is a pressure relief valve on each control lever. Thanks to pressure relief valves the critical pressure is brought to the desired pressure and the compression of the material in desired strength may be achieved.

A lock valve is connected to each hydraulic cylinder after the tightening process and during the welding operation, the material is prevented from being retracted and opened due to heat input.

Reverse deflexion may be done on the frame thanks to the control units in the clamp mechanisms.

There is a system with a hydraulic cylinder in the machine to make spot welding the material before welding. Spot bridge is positioned where desired position and when needed, having been made spot process by operator by straightening on the workpiece. 1 inert gas arc welding machine will be used for spot welding process.( it will be supplied by the purchaser).

Spot bridge movements are maneuverable and may be positioned by the operator and may be pressed.

It is used in case welding of vehicle beams of different form and artificial beams of type H. Thanks to the hydraulic presses on the system, it is possible to weld the linear and angular surfaces of the clamped workpiece to any form.

The mechanical movement limits of the machine are controlled by switches and sensors.

Control panel is available for system control.

In the system, welding is done by welding bridge. There are 2 submerged arc welding machine on this bridge. It may be welded to both welded joint parts simultaneous • The trace of welding parts by the torch mechanism can be performed mechanically and electronically.

The trace of welding parts by the torch mechanism can be performed mechanically and electronically. Due to this system, different geometric angles can be ensured in the welding zones.

Welding bridge on linear rail – driven by asynchronous motor and movement is provided by pinion gear mechanism. The inverter (speed control unit) located on the control panel enable to be set the desired welding speed.

  • Şase kaynak otomasyonu; değişik formdaki araç şaselerin ve H tipi yapay kirişlerin kaynatılmasında kullanılmaktadır. Sistem üzerindeki hidrolik presler sayesinde sıkıştırılan iş parçasının her türlü forma uygun doğrusal ve açısal yüzeylerinin kaynaklarının yapılabilmesine imkân sağlar.

  • Makinedeki mekanik hareket sınırları switchler ve sensörler sayesinde kontrol edilmektedir.

  • Sistem kontrolü için kumanda paneli mevcuttur.

  • Sistem alt şase, kaynak köprüsü ve puntalama arabasından oluşmaktadır. Sistemde önce puntalama sonra kaynatma işlemi yapılabilmektedir.

  • Kaynak bölgelerinin torç mekanizması tarafından takibi mekanik ve elektronik olarak sağlanabilmektedir. Bu sistem sayesinde farklı geometrik açılarda ki kaynak bölgelerinin takibi sağlanabilmektedir.

  • Kaynak köprüsü linear ray üzerinde – asenkron motor tarafından tahrik edilerek kremayer – pinyon dişli mekanizması ile hareket sağlanır. Kontrol panosunda yer alan inverter (hız kontrol ünitesi) sayesinde istenilen kaynak hızının ayarlanmasına imkân sağlar.

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