PE Series (2Axis)
Positioner is designed in order to change the piece’s position, tied onto it, to the best and weld. It gives movement opportunity on two independent lines which are rotating and angular positioning. Positioners can be fixed to the ground according to weight and center of gravity of the work piece.
Flange rotating speed can be sensitively adjusted with the control. Optionally it can be adapted with Column-Boom system as to work synchronized. Rotator and positioning motors are equipped with thermic protector separately.

Welding sachet with coal system

Different telecommunication options for synchronised systems

Sensitively adjustable rotation velocity

120° Pozitioning ability

High effetient power transmission with low spaced gear and reducer
- Strong anatomy suitable for heavy industrial conditions
- For easy montage “T” channels
- Sensitive speed control
- Remote control with digital indicator or analog
- Entry and exits that can be integrated to automatization system
- Strong rotating motors and for each separate thermic protector
- Low voltage (24V) control system