Self Adjustable Rotator Types
Self-aligning rotating systems are used for automatically grasp diameters when welding materials of different diameters. It enables the work piece to be turned without special adjustment. Inverter systems consist of 1 motorized 1 idler converter

Self positioning feature between Ø500 - Ø4500 mm sizes (costom made production in sizes)

Different model options as conventional or autoregulative
Technicial Specifications
- Through polyurethane coated wheels rotation quakes and uploading hitting are absorbed during welding.
- In the applications requiring high temperature and major load, featured steel wheels can be used as well.
- Wheels possess self-adjusting feature for small or big diameters. This adjustment can be made with screw shaft or by hand optionally.
- For the manual usage, digital control or analog entries can be integrated to Column Boom systems.

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