PL Series (L TYPE)
Positioners are designed to convert connected part into the most suitable position for welding and to weld it. Freedom of movement provide in three independent lines, including rotation, angular and height positioning. Positioning. The positioner has a characteristic to be fixed with regard to the weight of the workpiece and the center of gravity. The triaxial positioner; thanks to its compact, durable and flexible design, ensures that your parts are positioned appropriately, helping you get fast, quality resources during welding process gravity. The rotation speed of the plate may be adjusted precisely by remote controls.
It may also be adapted to work synchronously with the Column-Boom system, depending on requirement. The rotator and positioning motors are equipped with separate thermic protector.

Sensitively adjustable rotation velocity

355° Pozitioning ability

High effetient power transmission with low spaced gear and reducer
- Strong body structure for heavy industrial conditions
- T lines for easy assembling on the plate
- Precision Speed Control
- Digital display or analogue control option
- Inputs and outputs that may be integrated into the automation system
- Powerful rotary motors and separate thermic protection for each motor
- Low-voltage (24V) control system
- Between 250 kg – 10000kg carrying capacity and facility of production in line with demanded measure.